Big Dino's
(3-4 Year Old Class)
"Hooked on Learning"
Being a Big Dino means that we are expanding our horizons; we are starting to learn to write our numbers and letters. We are learning concepts in math, our art projects take on a whole new meaning as our creativity and self expression begin to unfold.
We learn, do Science experiments and learn to problem-solve!
These are some of the things we will be exploring among others:
Learning our ABC's and 123's
The start of pre-reading and pre-writing skills
Beginning to understand simple mathematical concepts
Exploring our five senses through sensory play and Free Art
Engaging our fine and gross motor skills
Immersing ourselves in our weekly learning themes through Circle Time, Art & more~
Learning Spanish
Independent play with toys, social play with peers, imaginative play
Understanding and following simple multi-step directions
Helping clean up, put things away, and understanding transition times
Class Requirement: Must be 3 years+. Must be fully potty trained.